Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sharing Notes in Gospel Library

The reading challenge starts Monday Feb. 1 2016

Your reading challenge for this week is:  Forward and Preface.
We are scheduled for a "Share with one another" on Friday. Let's flexible about our discussions. If you want to discuss something about your reading, don't wait until Friday. Most of us are on and off Facebook at various times during the day. There is a good chance someone will be on at the time you want to discuss.

 Here is a link to read online.
  From this website you can share you thoughts directly to the Rosewood Ward News Facebook group. 

You will be lead to this page.  Click on share in a group.

When Prompted type in Rosewood Ward News

Type in your Message. For the purpose of this example I said "This is a test of the Reading Schedule Challenge.

Then click post to page. 

If you use the mobile app, you can still share on Facebook. However,on the mobile app you can share only on your own timeline,  not on the private Rosewood Ward News. You still have the option to tag people you want to see the post.
A great supplement to Daughters in My Kingdom are the Joseph Smith Papers.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Reading Challenge

Some things to consider

 • Record your thoughts during this challenge. Write about your spirituality, challenges, services you render and how it all makes you feel about yourself.

• To begin this challenge, watch the following video.
 • Cross reference!

• Throughout the book, look for the word “Influence” in reference to rising up and claiming the privileges of Mormon Women.

• There are three areas that are clearly emphasized in the Nauvoo Minutes, on pages 17-25. How can you apply these areas in you life?
     a) Increase Faith and Personal Righteousness.
     b) Strengthen Families and Homes.
    c) Provide Relief by Seeking Out and Helping Those in Need.

• Preparing to Enter the Temple Take apart the list in chapter 2. Examine your own life and attitudes.

• While reading Chapters 3 & 4 use this time to Pray to expand your vision and power for good within you own family and in the Church.

 • On page 84, spiritual walls are described as a circle of sisters. How can your ward reach out to one another where strength is shared and supported? Let Pres. Packer’s experience move you toward bonding with fellow sisters.

• The Priesthood is often misunderstood by the women of the Church, mostly from lack of knowledge and misinformed attitudes. Study Chapter 8 in depth, Power is beautifully taught. Be Prepared to discuss this.

 • Do you recognize the Plan of Happiness throughout Chapter 9? What is the importance of HOME and FAMILY – and the call to be "Guardians of the Hearth".

• Have you learned what your privilege is and what it means to “Live Up to Your Privilege?

Monday, January 11, 2016

Rosewood Ward: Relief Society Reading Challenge

11 week Reading and Discussion Challenge will begin Feb. 1 and end April 24 2016

If you need a copy, there are a few options. Downloaded one on as MP3 or PDF. or you can read online. Here is my experience trying the various options.

Paper Back
I have the paper back and love how it feels in my hands and being able to mark it up with a highlighter.

 I really enjoyed reading online because I like the ease of cross referencing. The online version is easy peasy, but there is no way to mark-up/highlight

Download PDF
 From my iPad, tried to download the two options available on the church's website. I managed to download the PDF, it's a great way to read the book if cross referencing does not interest you or you don't mind the copy and paste idea.

Download MP3
I was never able to download the MP3 version to my iPad, or maybe I can't figure out where it went. I was able to download  MP3 to my macbook. If you would rather listen to the book, it works beautifully. Not quit as seamlessly as I would like because it is 15 separate MP3 recordings. Still, it will be convenient listening to a chapter while I sew....again no option for easy cross referencing.

The Gospel Library
At the moment, this is probably my favorite option for our group. The book is available in the Gospel Library app.
 >Family (the icon is the Family A Proclamation to the World). See the Note icon? Remember it for future reference.

>Daughters in My Kingdom.

This option is just like using your scriptures in The Gospel library. You can cross reference, take notes, add tags, book mark or listen to it as a podcast episode.

A BIG perk I like is that we can share our Gospel Library notes on Facebook.  As we move closer to the start date, I will put up a tutorial for note sharing.
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