Sunday, July 17, 2011

Girls Camp–We Are Belle

Girl Camp was at Wright Creek and all of the girls went repelling, on two hikes, and swimming at Green Canyon.


Father and Sons Campout

The campout looked like a lot of fun and Bishop Klinger took some awesome pictures! Not sure where this campout was....who wants to help me out on this one? Also some info on what you all did (obviously fishing but what else) would be great. Email me at THANKS!

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Easter Egg Hunt

With so many little kids in the neighborhood the Easter Egg hunt is always over quick. This year was no exception!

Valentine’s Party

The ward Valentine activity was a great success. There was dancing and dinner and it was a nice date for all who attended.  dance 1 diffdance 3dance 24
Thank you to Melissa Rhoades for taking pictures of all of the couples!
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