Sunday, November 21, 2010

Temple Babysitting List


The following people have signed up to do babysitting or a babysitting swap for anyone wanting to attend the temple. We have compiled this list for you to make your own arrangements. Please call and allow them to be of service; they would be happy to help!  What a glorious thing it is for us to have the privilege of going to the temple for our own blessings. Then after going to the temple for our own blessings, what a glorious privilege to do the work for those who have gone on before us. ­---- Howard W. Hunter


Annette Wilding 523-1875 Babysit Anytime

Sarah Clark 881-1043 Both Anytime

Jan Gardner 524-6038 Babysit Varies -- call

Lyla Vause 360-3035 Depends on the day

Sharon Klingler 529-2109 Babysit

Annalee Kelly 529-3480 Swap Depends -- call

Julie Gauchay 524-8625 Babysit Depends – call

Heidi Bailey 552-4750 Anytime

Caprice Dennert 313-5715 Evenings except Tues/Sat

Krishele Duffin 360-2463 Weeknights/every other Fri.

Calissa Jacobson 528-8298 Babysit Call

(With mom's help)

Michelle Barton 881-9493 Depends/Call

Elise Hansen 569-1266 Evenings/Call

Janey Quilling 709-3992 Varies/Call

Renae Merzlock 529-0252 Babysit Call

Kim Provencio 542-5395 Anytime

Mindy Searle 227-6444 Both Call

Elizabeth Adams 681-8745 Call

Crystal Lyon 251-7826

Rebecca Hansen 523-7214 Anytime

Ashley Evans 252-0337

Ideas For Temple Service

There are many ways to attend the temple in addition to a regular endowment session.  Patrons have the opportunity to do walk-in sealings, initiatory and baptisms for the dead.  For sealing opportunities consult with the sister in the foyer about where to go; the workers are always happy to work you in.  For the initiatory, walk past the lockers and in the back of that area you can sign up to do initiatory.  You can do 5 or 10 names which takes approximately 30 minutes to one hour.  For baptisms individuals or groups of ten or less may participate without an appointment.  These are great options to serve when you have limited time or when you just need a reminder of the covenants and great blessings promised in these ordinances.  If couples can't attend together: take turns or consult the temple babysitting list.  Copies of the list are also available in the Relief Society binders.  For Family History help contact Mark or Jan Gardner and someone from the Family History Committee will assist you.  For those interested in learning more about family history, there is a class offered at various times throughout the year during the Sunday School hour to help you.  Please contact us if you are interested and we can put you in the next class.

Fall Carnival

On Oct 23rd the ward had a Fall Carnival with a chili cook off and activities for the kids. I would love to get some of the recipes up on the ward recipe blog so shoot me an email if you want to share.
First place in the chili cook off went to the Bohne's!
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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Halloween Playgroup

Angie put on a really fun Halloween themed playgroup at the church!

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